
Is the Bible True?

What is the evidence of having received a changed Heart?
God puts in every changed heart many things.
But the very first thing He puts in is something like the following.

He always puts in ...
* every new heart
* every changed heart
... a desire to let be known, something like the following ...
 * "I got saved."
 * "I am born again."
 * "I am forgiven."
 * "I am going to Heaven."
 * "I want my mother to know how to get to Heaven. (or father,
     sister, brother, friend, wife, daughter, son, etc.)
 * "I want to know more about Jesus Christ and what He has for
     my life."
 * "I want to meet others who have this and learn more about it."

When the Lord puts the above ...
or something like it inside of you,
even though you may not be able to explain it,
it is certainly a big change and proof of salvation.

You undoubtedly never wanted
to say anything like this before.

The change in you is your proof ...
* The Bible is true
* Salvation is true
* God is true

Not satisfied?

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